Electric motors are everywhere now.

We are providing solutions to drive, measure and analyze them. We can create small-scaled prototypes or a ready product depending on your needs. Quatic was founded in 2021 as a spin off at the Széchenyi University. We apply knowledge gathered in over a decade electric motor development.

We are QUATIC technologies. Trust us if you need electric motor solutions.

go-kart, golf-kart, electric scooter, electric motor, pcb

We are a team of seasoned professionals working at the intersection of mechanics electronics and software having many years of hands-on experience in building electric motors and vehicles. We bring hardware and software together. But it takes skills to synchronize motorssensors and batteries in one coherent system. These require specific expertise to integrate into a working physical system. At Quatic, we have this expertise.

Our solutions

Why electric motors?

Electric motors has become more well known and appreciated over the past few years with its improving integration into our cars. But these motors can even run your e-kart, golf-kart, segway, electric scooter, drill just to name a few. Although there are many different types (e.g. PMSM, DC, BLDC, ASM) all of them serve good at different areas. As Europe’s energy mix is getting cleaner and cleaner so does your electric motor.


  • Electric kart
  • Electric scooter / segway
  • Electric golf-kart
  • Electric boat / jet-ski
  • Robots
  • Electric power tools
  • Industry