General terms and conditions

General terms and conditions

1. Scope of application of the general terms and conditions:

  1. The General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter: GTC) contain a contractual agreement between the persons submitting a request for a price quote on the website (hereinafter: website) in an e-mail message (hereinafter: Customer) and the operator of the website (hereinafter: Supplier) general conditions of legal relationship.
  2. The General Terms and Conditions apply in connection with the sale of the products listed on the Supplier’s website. Any customer’s own general terms and conditions are set out in 1.1. are not applicable in the context of the legal relationship specified in point
  3. Parties may deviate from the content of these Terms and Conditions in the individual order, but all deviations must be recorded in detail in writing in the individual order. In the absence of a provision to the contrary, or in the event of an incomplete clause, the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions shall apply.
  4. The Supplier reserves the right to unilaterally modify these general terms and conditions for the future, with the provision that the changed terms and conditions can be applied to orders placed after they come into force, and the Customer must be given the opportunity to familiarize himself with the general terms and conditions. The General Terms and Conditions in force at the time of the conclusion of the contract apply to the transaction between the Parties.
  5. These GTC are valid from the date of publication on the Website until withdrawn.

2. Creation and performance of the Agreement:

  1. In order for the contract to be concluded, it is necessary for the Customer to request an offer via e-mail regarding the exact name and quantity of the desired product from the Supplier, who will prepare a unique price offer on the basis of which, upon acceptance by the Customer, the contract will be established. After the conclusion of the contract, the Supplier issues a payment request to be fulfilled by bank transfer, the product can be sent if the consideration indicated in it is settled. The Supplier sends the product to the delivery address specified by the Customer and issues a final invoice. By clicking on the check box on the website during the submission of the price offer, the customer accepts and acknowledges the General Terms and Conditions as binding. The contract consists of the individual price offer issued by the Supplier, its acceptance by the Customer, and these general terms and conditions. The resulting contract is considered an electronic contract.
  2. The Supplier’s offer is binding on the Supplier until the date indicated in the individually prepared offer. Supplier of 2.1. within a period of 45 days from the date of payment of the invoice specified in point
  3. Acceptance of the price offer by the Customer and 2.2. between the time specified in point 1, due to an unforeseen change in the purchase price of the product(s), difficulty in purchasing options, unsustainability of the delivery time, other impossible, disadvantageous or unacceptable conditions, due to the outstanding debt of the Customer, or for other reasons, the delivery of the ordered products may be refused.
  4. Legal declarations of the parties related to the contract are considered valid if they are made in writing. For the purposes of this ASF, an e-mail message is considered a written statement. The legal declaration made in an e-mail message must be considered delivered on the working day following its sending.
  5. The contract will enter into force on the day after the e-mail about the acceptance of the individual price offer is sent to the Supplier and will remain in force until mutual fulfillment by the Parties.
  6. The Customer, if he is a consumer – pursuant to Art. 45/2014. According to the provisions of Government Decree (II. 26.) – you have the right to cancel without reason within 14 days. 45/2014 for withdrawal/termination. This can be done by using the sample declaration in Annex 2 of the Government Decree. The product price will be refunded after the product has been returned at the Customer’s expense.
  7. The Supplier fulfills the contract if the delivered product contains the necessary certificates of origin and quality, instructions for use and other documents.
  8. If the Supplier complies with 2.2. does not complete the delivery by the time specified in point 1, the Customer (whether consumer or business) may withdraw from the contract citing loss of interest, after providing the Supplier with an additional deadline of at least 15 days.
  9. The Supplier’s liability for compensation does not cover lost profits.
  10. The customer is obliged to notify the supplier of his claim for damages related to the delay within 15 days of the missed performance, failure to notify by the deadline is void.
  11. The supplier excludes its responsibility if delivery is delayed or performance becomes impossible due to force majeure. “Force majeure” is any unforeseeable circumstance or event beyond the control of the Supplier, as a result of which the Supplier cannot reasonably be expected to fulfill its obligations, including a force majeure event affecting one of the Supplier’s procurement sources (e.g. production stoppage, or other obstacle, epidemic situation, war situation, shutdown, etc.). For the duration of the force majeure and in proportion to its effect, the Supplier shall be released from fulfilling its obligations. If possible, the parties are obliged to inform each other of the essential information, as well as the earliest date of possible performance. In these cases, the Customer is entitled to cancel only if more than 45 days have passed since the established performance date. Before this date, the Customer is only entitled to cancel if the Supplier has notified him in writing that he is unable or will not be able to fulfill the order.

3. Payment terms:

  1. The customer may fulfill his payment obligation arising in connection with the ordered products only by bank transfer to the bank account number indicated by the Supplier, according to the conditions and within the deadline indicated on the payment request form and on the final invoice.
  2. The Supplier retains ownership of the products until full payment of the purchase price. If the product comes into the Customer’s possession before full payment of the purchase price, the risk of damage is transferred to the Customer and the Supplier is responsible for all damages for which no one can be obliged to compensate. Ownership is transferred to the Customer upon full payment of the purchase price, i.e. by crediting the last installment to the Supplier’s bank account.

4. Warranty, guarantee:

  1. The supplier guarantees that the products on its website meet the legal and generally expected quality requirements. If the warranty is mandatory by law, the Supplier is obligated to provide a warranty for the affected products.
  2. In accordance with the provisions of Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code (Ptk.) for all products listed on the above-mentioned website, the Supplier is liable for defective performance of the contract concluded between the parties. According to the Customer’s choice based on his accessories warranty claim:
    • a: may request repair or replacement, unless the fulfillment of the chosen accessory warranty right is impossible, or if it would result in disproportionate additional costs for the Supplier – compared to the fulfillment of another accessory warranty claim – taking into account the value represented by the service in perfect condition, the gravity of the breach of contract and the fulfillment of the accessory warranty right damage to the rights holder’s interests; obsession
    • b: may demand a proportional delivery of the compensation, may correct the defect at the expense of the obligee himself or have it repaired by someone else, or may withdraw from the contract if the obligee did not undertake the repair or replacement, his obligation under the Civil Code. cannot comply with the conditions or if the right holder’s interest in repair or replacement has ceased. In the case of a contract between a consumer (Customer) and a business, the consumer (Customer) may not repair the defect himself at the expense of the Supplier, or have it repaired by someone else, within the framework of exercising his accessory warranty rights. There is no room for cancellation due to an insignificant error.
  3. After discovering the error, the Customer is obliged to notify the Supplier of the error without delay. If the Customer is a consumer, a defect communicated within two months of the discovery of the defect shall be deemed to have been communicated without delay. The Customer is responsible for damage resulting from the delay in communication.
  4. The Customer’s accessory warranty claim expires within one year from the date of performance. If the Customer is a consumer, the accessory warranty claim expires within two years from the date of performance.
  5. During the warranty period detailed below, the Supplier is obliged to bear responsibility for faulty performance according to the conditions contained in the legal declaration or legislation creating the warranty. You are exempted from the warranty obligation if you prove that the cause of the defect arose after the performance. The Supplier is defined by the Civil Code. 6:171.-6:173. §§ and 151/2003. (IX. 22.) Pursuant to the government decree, you are subject to a warranty obligation according to the following period:
    • one year in the case of a sale price of HUF 10,000 but not exceeding HUF 100,000,
    • two years in the case of a sale price exceeding HUF 100,000 but not exceeding HUF 250,000,
    • three years above the selling price of HUF 250,000. The warranty obligation begins at the time of receipt of the product by the Customer.
  6. Before placing the order, the customer must make sure that the product is suitable and usable for the intended purpose, it is the customer’s responsibility to decide this, no warranty claim can be submitted in this regard.
  7. The Supplier performs incorrectly if the product does not meet the quality requirements established in the contract or legislation at the time of delivery. The performance is not considered defective if the Customer knew or should have known about the defect at the time of the conclusion of the contract.
  8. The Supplier assumes no responsibility for damages resulting from or related to improper use of the product, especially damages resulting from violations of the instructions for use.

5. Other rights and obligations of parties, confidentiality:

  1. During the performance of the contract, the parties are obliged to cooperate with each other and to inform each other of any circumstances, or changes in them, that would hinder, limit or endanger the contractual performance.
  2. The defaulting party is responsible for all kinds of damage resulting from the failure to provide the information indicated above and resulting as a result.
  3. The Supplier excludes its responsibility for compensation claims related to indirect damages, lost profits or other financial losses of the Customer. The combined amount of the Supplier’s warranty obligation and liability for damages may not exceed the purchase price of the ordered product. The above restrictions do not apply to damage to life, bodily integrity, or health caused intentionally or by gross negligence or crime.
  4. During the performance of the contract, the parties are obliged to preserve any business secrets contained in the individual price offer or the general terms and conditions of the contract, as well as to treat them confidentially, and undertake to provide information to third parties about any facts, circumstances and other information only in a manner previously agreed in writing with the other party.

6. Final provisions, complaint handling:

  • If the Customer wishes to make a complaint against the Supplier, he can do so by sending a statement to the following address:
Name:QUATIC technologies Korlatolt Felelossegu Tarsasag
Headquarters: (place of complaint handling
and mailing address at the same time)
9026 Gyor, Egyetem ter 1. 
Telephone:+ 36 30 712 1058
  • Other claim enforcement options:
    • If the Customer qualifies as a consumer, in the event of a legal dispute with the Supplier, the Supplier may also refer to a Conciliation Board. Conciliation Board working alongside GYMSKIK
      Address: 9021 Győr, Szent István út 10/a.
      Phone: 96/520-217

      Opening hours:
      TUESDAY 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m
      WEDNESDAY 13:00 – 15:00
      THURSDAY 9:00 – 12:00
  • The legal basis for the processing of personal data processed in the context of requesting a price quote or fulfilling the contract is the consent of the data subject; the Supplier processes personal data in order to create and fulfill the contract. The Supplier is obliged to handle the Customer’s data in accordance with the data protection legislation in force at all times, they may be forwarded to the Supplier’s consultants and collaborators within the EU during the procedures related to the Customer. The customer is entitled to request in writing from the Supplier at any time the correction, erasure or cancellation of the processed personal data, and is also entitled to the rights listed in the relevant legislation.
  • The parties declare that the contract created by accepting the price offer constitutes their entire agreement, and all correspondence, negotiations or agreements prior to the acceptance of the price offer by the Customer shall be null and void. If any provision of these GTC is invalid, the invalid parts do not affect the validity of other provisions or agreements. The Parties declare that such provisions must be replaced by provisions necessary to achieve the economic goal that the Parties want to achieve.
  • The legal relationship of the parties is governed by Hungarian law, with respect to issues not regulated in these general terms and conditions, the Civil Code. its provisions shall apply.